Affordable Congo (DRC) Wildlife Safaris and Tours

With a dream of venturing into its mysterious, jungle-covered terrain in Central Africa, Congo, often called the “Heart of Darkness,” has always held a charm for the desired safari. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has remained largely inaccessible to travellers for a considerable period. Nevertheless, more than a decade ago, Virunga National Park reopened its doors to visitors. The primary attractions here are gorilla treks and climbing on the Nyiragongo volcano. Tracking mountain gorillas is swiftly gaining recognition as one of the world’s most sought-after wildlife encounters. Virunga National Park, boasting exceptional amenities, expert guides, and limited visitor numbers, is arguably one of the most tranquil settings for such a profoundly transformative experience.

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is one of just three countries that harbour endangered mountain gorillas. Amongst the country’s attractions, the foremost one is tracking these gentle giants on the slopes of the Virunga Mountains.

Observing the world’s largest lava lake from the rim at night is an awe-inspiring experience that should not be missed. To conclude your journey in the DRC, you can unwind on the scenic Tchegera Island in Lake Kivu. Additionally, a visit to Kahuzi-Biega National Park, which safeguards one of the remaining populations of eastern lowland gorillas, is worthwhile. Tracking lowland gorillas offers an equally rewarding experience as the more well-known mountain gorilla encounter. Typically, reaching this park involves a scenic boat trip on Lake Kivu, which borders Rwanda and the DRC.

Our Favourite Congo (DRC) Wildlife 2024 Travel Sensations

2 day Congo (DRC) Lowland Gorilla Trekking | Kahuzi-Biega National Park | Gorilla Trekking in DRC2 day Congo (DRC) lowland gorilla trekking

 Nature Hikes and Gorilla Trekking

Duration: 2 Days | 1 Night

Congo (DRC) Wildlife|5 Day Congo Lowland Gorilla Trek

5 Day Congo Lowland Gorilla Trek & Chimpanzee Trip

 Nature Hikes | Gorilla Trekking & Chimp Tracking | Canopy Walks

Duration: 5 Days | 4 Nights

3 Day Congo (DRC) Lowland Gorilla|Kahuzi-Biega National Park3 Day Congo (DRC) Lowland Gorilla

 Nature Hikes and Gorilla Trekking

Duration: 3 Days | 2 Nights

2 day Congo (DRC)|Kahuzi-Biega National Park | Gorilla Trekking in DRC6 Day Congo Lowland Gorilla Trek & Chimpanzee Itinerary

 Nature Hikes | Gorilla Trekking & Chimp Tracking

Duration: 6 Days | 5 Nights

4 Day Congo (DRC) Lowland Gorilla|Kahuzi-Biega National Park4 Day Congo (DRC) lowland gorilla Trekking

 Nature Hikes and Gorilla Trekking

Duration: 4 Days | 3 Nights

Congo Lowland Gorillas | Congo (DRC) Wildlife

7-Day Combined Congo Lowland Gorillas

 Nature Hikes | Gorilla Trekking | Chimps & Waterfalls | Canopy Walks

Duration: 7 Days | 6 Nights