12-Day Rwenzori Mountain Trek & Wildlife Safari

12-Day Rwenzori Mountain Trek & Wildlife Safari: Our extraordinary Rwenzori Mountains trekking and wildlife safari take you to one of the most awe-inspiring mountain ranges in the world. Renowned for their technical challenges and captivating beauty, the Rwenzori Mountains have garnered global recognition. National Geographic ranked them as the best hiking and climbing destination in Africa and among the top ten in the world in 2012. Venture on the extraordinary Safari, an ultimate hiking package that will take you to the majestic Rwenzori Mountains, specifically to the renowned Margherita Peak.

This carefully crafted safari via the Central Circuit is designed to provide an unforgettable experience. Throughout this thrilling journey, you will traverse the mesmerizing central circuit trail, immersing yourself in the breathtaking beauty of the Rwenzori Mountains for a total of 12 days and 11 nights. Prepare to be captivated by the awe-inspiring landscapes, conquer challenging terrains, and reach the pinnacle of Mountain Rwenzori as you embark on this extraordinary expedition.

The itinerary is summarized for you

  • Day 1: Transfer to Mount Rwenzori National Park.
  • Day 2: Nyakalengija (1,646 m)-Nyabitaba Hut (2,652m).
  • Day 3: Nyabitaba-John Matte (3505m).
  • Day 4: John Matte Hut-Bujuku Hut (3962m)
  • Day 5: Bujuku Camp: Elena Hut (4541m)
  • Day 6: Summit Margherita Peak (5,109 m)-Kitandara Hut (4,023m)
  • Day 7: Kitandara – Guy Yeoman (3505m).
  • Day 8: Descend from Guy Yeoman to Nyabitaba to Nyakalengijja.
  • Day 9: Nyakalengija to Queen Elizabeth National Park
  • Day 10: Game drive and afternoon boat cruise
  • Day 11: Chimpanzee Trekking—Lake Katwe
  • Day 12: Transfer back to Kampala or Entebbe International Airport for departure.

Detailed Itinerary: 12-Day Rwenzori Mountain Trek & Wildlife Safari

Day 1: Transfer to Mount Rwenzori National Park.

After your arrival, our guide or driver will warmly greet you at the airport and introduce you to the beauty of Uganda. They will provide you with a detailed briefing about your exciting hiking safari and the journey ahead to Kasese, which will take approximately 7-8 hours via Fortportal. Upon reaching Kasese in the evening, you can unwind and prepare yourself for the thrilling 7-day hiking adventure.

Main Destination: Rwenzori Mountains National Park
Accommodation: Equator Snow Lodge
Meals: Lunch and Dinner

Day 2: Nyakalengija (1,646 m)-Nyabitaba Hut (2,652m)

To kickstart your day, begin by promptly heading to the headquarters in the early morning. There, you can easily acquire any necessary equipment and efficiently organize experienced guides, a skilled chef, and helpful porters all in one go.

The invigorating hike commences from the park gates, leading you on a 7-kilometre journey to Nyabitaba. This scenic route will captivate you for approximately 5–6 hours as you ascend 1200 meters. The initial part of the trail takes you through charming homes and fields, gradually transitioning into stretches of towering elephant grasses and dense foliage.

As you make your way, you’ll encounter thrilling obstacles such as cliffs and bluffs. Crossing the Mahoma River will add to the excitement before embarking on a steep ascent into the Nyabitaba camp. Along the way, keep an eye out for incredible wildlife sightings, including the enchanting white and black colobus monkeys, the unique three-horned chameleon, and the striking Rwenzori Turaco birds.

After an exhilarating day of hiking, settle in for a comfortable overnight stay at the Nyabitaba camp. It’s the perfect opportunity to rejuvenate and prepare for the adventures that lie ahead.

Day 3: Nyabitaba-John Matte (3505m).

Embarking from Nyabitaba, your next leg of the journey involves a descent towards the right, following a trail that meanders through the lush forest. After approximately 30 minutes, you’ll reach the Kurt Shafer bridge, positioned just before the merging point of the Mubuku and Bujuku rivers.

The path then transitions into a stroll for a few hours, taking you through a serene bamboo forest. However, be prepared for a challenging section reminiscent of spelunking. This stretch demands your utmost focus and stamina as you navigate along slippery rocks covered in moss. As you persevere, a rewarding sight awaits you at the Nyamileju rock shelter. From this vantage point, you’ll be treated to splendid views of Mount Stanley and the majestic Margherita glacier. Continuing onward, you’ll enter a zone adorned with towering giant Heather, exquisite Lobelia, and remarkable groundsel plants.

The journey culminates at the Johnmaate camp, but not without traversing a fatiguing bog along the way. Despite the exertion, take solace in the fact that this camp offers excellent opportunities to feast your eyes upon the awe-inspiring sights of Mount Stanley and the captivating Margherita glacier. Indulge in a satisfying dinner and a restful overnight stay at the camp, replenishing your energy for the exciting days ahead.

Day 4: John Matte Hut-Bujuku Hut (3962m)

Leaving the picturesque Johnmaate camp, the trail leads you on a descent towards the Bujuku River. Crossing the river marks the entry into the lower Bigo Bog, a captivating habitat adorned with magnificent giant lobelias. To navigate this unique terrain, you’ll find yourself hopping from one tussock to another, occasionally encountering the freezing oozes that make crossing the bog a memorable experience.

Pressing onward, you’ll venture into the upper Bigo Bog, where the Bujuku River occasionally disappears underground, having originated from the enchanting Lake Bujuku. Along this stretch, you’ll be treated to panoramic views of the majestic Mount Baker in the south and the awe-inspiring Mount Stanley to the west.

Nestled in a narrow valley below the towering Stulman Pass, you’ll find the well-positioned Bujuku hut. This comfortable retreat sits in the shadow of both Mount Baker and Speke, providing a serene atmosphere for a delightful dinner and a restful overnight stay. Immerse yourself in the serenity of this breathtaking location, recharging your spirit for the forthcoming adventures that await you on this remarkable hiking journey.

Day 5: Bujuku camp – Elena Hut (4541m)

Continuing your journey from Bujuku, the trail guides you through more boggy terrain, gradually ascending the steep slopes on the western side of the lake. As you ascend, you’ll be captivated by the enchanting sight of the magical groundsel gully, surrounded by stunning vegetation. Eventually, the trail reaches the impressive Scot Eliot Pass, standing tall at an elevation of 4372 meters. At the top of the gully, a metal ladder assists you in traversing a steep section, enhancing the sense of adventure. Beyond this point, the trail splits into two distinct paths. The trail on your right leads to Elena Hut and Mount Stanley, presenting a challenging ascent on a steep path adorned with large boulders. Meanwhile, the trail on your left directs you towards Scott Eliot Pass and eventually leads you down to the captivating Kitandara Lakes. This path caters to those who are not planning to climb Margherita Peak.

For those embarking on the Margherita Peak climb, the rewarding journey continues as they make their way to the cool and icy Elena hut. This picturesque location serves as a resting place, providing a well-deserved dinner and overnight stay for those undertaking this exhilarating endeavour. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking surroundings and relish the unique experiences that this part of the hike offers. Prepare for the challenges and beauty that lie ahead as you continue your remarkable journey through the Rwenzori Mountains.

Day 6: Summit Margherita Peak (5,109 m)-Kitandara Hut (4,023m)

If you are determined to conquer Margherita Peak, the journey continues towards the base of Stanley Glacier. Reaching the summit of Margherita is a demanding climb, taking approximately 5-7 hours, subject to weather conditions and the climbing pace. This challenging ascent entails traversing over three glaciers, navigating slippery rocks, icy surfaces, and exposed areas that are open on multiple sides.

Rwenzori-Mountain-Margherita-Peak|12-Day Rwenzori Mountain Trek & Wildlife Safari


Please note that this climb is reserved for physically fit, experienced climbers with technical skills. As you venture onto the glaciers, proceed across the Stanley plateau and continue the arduous ascent. Be prepared to acclimatize to fog, altitude sickness, and potentially inclement weather. Scrambling up towards the pinnacle of Margherita, the highest peak of the Rwenzori Mountains, you’ll be rewarded with a tremendous sense of accomplishment. However, given the high altitude and the demanding conditions, do not be discouraged if you are unable to reach the peak. Your safety and well-being are of utmost importance.

Prepare for your return journey by descending through the Scott Eliot Pass, where breathtaking views of Bujuku Lake, Mount Speke, Mount Stanley, and the Kitandara lakes await. The trail will guide you through the Alpine zone, characterized by sparse vegetation and rough boulders. Descend past the Kitandara Lakes, where a satisfying dinner and overnight stay await you. Embrace the challenges and triumphs of this remarkable expedition as you navigate the stunning landscapes of the Rwenzori Mountains. Take in the beauty that surrounds you and cherish the memories that will last a lifetime.

Day 7: Kitandara – Guy Yeoman (3505m).

Departing from Kitandara, the trail takes a steep ascent up the headwall, extending from the foot of Mount Baker and continuing along the southern side of the mountain. This challenging climb leads you towards Freshfield Pass, situated at an elevation of 4280 meters. From this vantage point, you’ll be treated to breathtaking vistas, with the Congo unfolding to the west and the majestic Mount Stanley commanding the northern view.

Continuing on the trail, you’ll embark on a long journey that will lead you past the rock shelter of Bujongolo. This historic site served as the base camp for the renowned expedition led by the Duke of Abruzzi in 1906. As you make your way, immerse yourself in the rich history of the region.

The day’s adventure concludes as you arrive at Guyeoman Camp, where you can enjoy a well-deserved overnight stay. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of your surroundings and reflect on the remarkable experiences that have brought you this far. Embrace the challenges and the rewards of this awe-inspiring journey through the Rwenzori Mountains, savouring each step and treasuring the memories you create.

Day 8: Descend from Guy Yeoman to Nyabitaba to Nyakalengijja.

The descent from Guyeoman to Nyabitaba typically takes approximately 6-7 hours, but with an early start, it is feasible to complete the journey to Nyakalengija. As you descend below Guyeoman, the trail guides you through the majestic cliffs of Kichuchu, leading you through the enchanting bamboo forest zones. Eventually, you’ll reach Nyabitaba, where you can choose to have a satisfying dinner and spend the night or opt for a lunch break before continuing the descent to Nyakalengija.

Upon reaching Nyakalengija, you’ll have the opportunity to transfer to your lodge, allowing you to unwind and relax after your exhilarating hiking adventure. This descent offers a chance to reflect on the incredible journey you’ve undertaken and relish the memories and achievements you’ve made along the way. Take in the natural beauty that surrounds you during this final leg of the hike, embracing the serenity of the forest and appreciating the remarkable sights that the Rwenzori Mountains have to offer.

Day 9: Nyakalengija to Queen Elizabeth National Park

Enjoy a leisurely breakfast this morning, savouring the peaceful atmosphere and allowing yourself time to fully immerse yourself in the surrounding natural wonders. Spend the entire morning indulging in the beauty of the neighbouring landscapes and indulging in relaxation.

After a delightful lunch, embark on a captivating excursion to explore the twin lakes, Lake Katinda and Lake Mirambi, nestled within the picturesque Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda. These enchanting Crater Lakes are renowned for their scenic charm. What makes them truly unique is their fascinating gender association, with Lake Katinda considered female and Lake Mirambi considered male. Stand on the shores of these intertwined lakes and witness the breathtaking beauty of Uganda unfold before your eyes.

Take a moment to appreciate the captivating vistas and embrace the serenity of these remarkable lakes. Afterwards, return to your lodge, where you can enjoy a comfortable overnight stay, allowing you to further relish the tranquility and magnificence of the surrounding environment. Engage yourself in the captivating allure of Uganda, cherishing the unforgettable experiences and memories created during your visit to the twin lakes in Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Day 10: Game drive and afternoon boat cruise

Embark on an exhilarating early morning game drive within the renowned Queen Elizabeth National Park, where an abundance of majestic wildlife awaits. This extraordinary park boasts a diverse ecosystem encompassing grassy plains, tropical forests, meandering rivers, swamps, lakes, and volcanic craters, creating an ideal habitat for a wide array of animal species.

Immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring landscapes as you embark on a game drive, with the imposing Rwenzori Mountains serving as a breathtaking backdrop. This remarkable experience offers exceptional opportunities to encounter iconic wildlife such as lions, leopards, mighty elephants, Cape buffaloes, giant forest hogs, defassa waterbucks, Uganda Kobs, graceful topis, and elusive bushbucks.

As you traverse the park in search of captivating sightings, be prepared to be enthralled by the remarkable diversity of wildlife that thrives in this extraordinary setting. Witness the untamed beauty of nature unfold before your eyes, creating memories that will last a lifetime. After an exciting morning adventure, indulge in a satisfying lunch before embarking on an afternoon boat cruise along the enchanting Kazinga Channel. Drift along the tranquil waters as you observe a myriad of wildlife species that congregate along the banks. Be captivated by the sight of graceful hippos, bathing elephants, colourful birdlife, and other fascinating creatures that call this channel home.

Allow yourself to be immersed in the serenity of the surroundings as you cruise along, creating unforgettable memories amidst the captivating beauty of Queen Elizabeth National Park. Prepare to be enchanted by the wonders of the wild as you embark on this extraordinary journey, cherishing the opportunity to witness the remarkable wildlife and breathtaking landscapes of Uganda’s renowned national park.

Day 11: Chimpanzee Trekking (Lake Katwe)

Embark on an exciting adventure after a hearty breakfast as you make your way to the briefing point for chimpanzee trekking in the captivating Kyambura Gorge. The scenic drive takes you through vast stretches of savanna grasslands, immersing you in the natural beauty of the surroundings until you suddenly arrive at the breathtaking gorge.

Kyambura Gorge is a haven for a unique underground forest, teeming with a diverse array of avian species, chimpanzees, smaller primates, and other fascinating mammals. After receiving a comprehensive briefing, you will descend into the gorge, eagerly venturing deeper to search for these incredible primates. While the chances of encountering chimpanzees here may be lower compared to Kibale Forest National Park, exploring the underground forest exposes you to awe-inspiring scenery and extraordinary biodiversity.

Take your time to marvel at the wonders of nature, observing these fascinating creatures in their natural habitat. The experience of being in the midst of the underground forest will leave you in awe of its beauty and the incredible diversity it harbours. Following an unforgettable encounter with the chimpanzees, savour a delicious lunch before continuing your journey to Lake Katwe, located on the picturesque Mweya Peninsula. Lake Katwe holds significant importance as one of Uganda’s leading salt producers. While the lake’s high salinity prevents the support of wildlife, it serves as a vital source of livelihood for the local communities in the area.

Salt mining has been a traditional practice here since the 16th century, with mining skills passed down through generations. However, it is important to note that the locals still rely on rudimentary methods, which can pose long-term health risks. The salt extracted is sold to traders from Uganda, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, sustaining the local economy. Engage yourself in a rich cultural experience as you interact with the local salt miners and gain insights into their trade. Learn about their traditions and the challenges they face, while appreciating the importance of this industry to the community.

As the day draws to a close, you will be driven back to your lodge, reflecting on the incredible encounters and cultural experiences that have enriched your journey. Welcome to the wonders of nature, immerse yourself in the local culture, and cherish the memories created during this remarkable day of chimpanzee trekking and exploration in Kyambura Gorge and Lake Katwe.

Day 12: Transfer back to Kampala or Entebbe International Airport for departure.

As you savour a splendid and satisfying breakfast, take a moment to relish the remarkable memories of the past eleven days, filled with extraordinary experiences. After breakfast, it will be time to check out of your lodge, bidding farewell to the captivating surroundings that have been your home during this adventure.

Indulge in a delightful lunch in the vibrant city of Mbarara, allowing you to refuel and reflect on the incredible journey you’ve undertaken. As you continue your homeward-bound journey, make a stopover at the Mpambire Drum Centre, where you’ll witness the skilled craftsmanship of the locals as they create beautiful drums. Immerse yourself in the vibrant rhythm and cultural heritage, and perhaps even select a cherished souvenir to commemorate your time in Uganda.

Proceeding towards Kampala, the vibrant capital city, you’ll have the opportunity to soak up the urban energy before your departure. In the evening, you will be dropped off at the airport, bidding farewell to the land of breathtaking landscapes, abundant wildlife, and warm hospitality.

Thank you for choosing us as your travel companion on this unforgettable journey. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to host you again in the future or to welcome your friends and family to experience the wonders of Uganda firsthand. Safe travels, and may the memories of your time here forever hold a special place in your heart.

End of 12-Day Rwenzori Mountain Trek & Wildlife Safari


  • Lunch
  • Bottled Water
  • Accommodation (2-nights)
  • Safari 4×4 Vehicle
  • Gorilla permit and park fees
  • English-speaking guide


  • Visas and International flights
  • Tips

Hiking tips

  1. Before beginning the walk, be certain that you are in decent physical shape. Being physically healthy will make exploring the Rwenzori Mountains, which can be challenging, more pleasurable.
  2. Acclimatization: Give yourself plenty of time to adjust to the altitude. The air gets thinner as you travel higher. Drink plenty of water, take frequent rests, and pay attention to your body.
  3. Pick the Right Bag: Bring the necessities, including sturdy hiking boots, warm, water-resistant clothing, a hat, gloves, sunscreen, sunglasses, and a strong backpack. Don’t forget to bring the necessities, including a first aid kit, snacks, and enough water.
  4. Hydration: Drink plenty of water in order to keep yourself hydrated. Carry a reusable water bottle, and fill it up whenever you can.
  5. Dress in layers because the weather in the Rwenzori Mountains is erratic. To adapt to shifting temperatures and situations, layer your clothing.
  6. Proper Footwear: Invest in durable, waterproof hiking boots that give ankle support and adequate traction on slick surfaces.
  7. Trekking Poles: To increase stability and lessen joint stress while negotiating difficult trails, think about utilizing trekking poles.
  8. Respect the Environment: The Rwenzori Mountains’ environment is special and delicate. Respect the environment by staying on paths that have been designated, not leaving trash behind, and abiding by any guidelines issued by the authorities.
  9. The Rwenzori Mountain hike is a journey, not a race, so take your time. Take your time to take in the breathtaking surroundings, spot wildlife, and experience the adventure.
  10. Always follow your guide’s directions and be ready for changing weather conditions because safety should always come first. Have fun hiking in the stunning Rwenzori Mountains!