All-inclusive 16-Day Birdwatching and Uganda’s Wildlife Adventure

This itinerary will lead you on a journey starting from the wetlands of Mabamba, where you can search for the elusive shoebill bird. Next, you’ll visit Ziwa to track rhinos, followed by a visit to the breathtaking Devil’s Cauldron in Murchison Falls National Park. Your adventure continues as you encounter chimpanzees in Kibale National Park and venture south to witness the remarkable tree-climbing lions in Queen Elizabeth National Park. From there, you’ll head to Bwindi, known as the home of the majestic mountain gorillas, and have the opportunity to see the golden monkeys in Mgahinga National Park. The trip will conclude with a visit to Lake Bunyonyi and Lake Mburo National Park.

  • Day 1: Transfer to Mount Rwenzori National Park
  • Day 2: Transfer to Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary
  • Day 3: Transfer to Murchison Falls National Park
  • Day 4: Boat cruise & evening game drive
  • Day 5: Transfer to Kibale National Park
  • Day 6: Chimpanzee tracking and afternoon bird watching
  • Day 7: Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park
  • Day 8: Birding Lake Munyanyange & a trip to Kazinga Channel
  • Day 9: Morning game drive & Ishasha sector
  • Day 10: Morning game drive & transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
  • Day 11: Gorilla tracking & guided nature walk
  • Day 12: Transfer to Lake Bunyonyi
  • Day 13: Boat ride &  afternoon bird watching
  • Day 14: Transfer to Lake Mburo & evening boat ride
  • Day 15: Morning game drive & bird watching
  • Day 16: Morning game drive & transfer to Entebbe International Airport

Detailed Itinerary: All-inclusive 16-Day Birdwatching and Uganda’s Wildlife Adventure

Day 1: Transfer to Mount Rwenzori National Park

Upon your arrival at Entebbe International Airport, you will be greeted by our guide-driver, who will extend a warm welcome to Uganda, often referred to as the “Pearl of Africa.” Subsequently, you will be transported to your lodging. You will be accommodated in a delightful hotel that offers stunning vistas of Lake Victoria. The hotel boasts comfortable safari-themed rooms, providing a relaxing ambience where you can unwind while awaiting dinner and spending the night.

  • Main Destination: 
  • Accommodation: Equator Snow Lodge
  • Meals: Lunch & Dinner

Day 2: Transfer to Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary

After an early morning breakfast, we will embark on a drive to Mabamba Swamp, situated approximately 50km west of Kampala. Along the way, we will make a stop at Mpigi Swamp, known for its rare papyrus species. Keep a lookout for distinctive avian species such as the white-winged warbler, papyrus gonolek, yellow-backed weaver, Northern brown-throated weaver, blue-headed coucal, and other unique swamp-dwelling birds.

Our journey will then take us to the Mabamba Wetland, where the majority of birdwatching occurs from a canoe, guided by knowledgeable locals. Be attentive to the presence of the sought-after shoebill, both soaring above the marsh and hidden amidst the vegetation. Additionally, be on the lookout for other fascinating marsh-dwelling species such as the swamp flycatcher, African purple-swamp hen, African water rail, common moorhen, lesser jacana, African jacana, African pigmy goose, white-faced whistling duck, squacco heron, blue-breasted bee-eater, winding cisticola, goliath heron, and black crake.

In the afternoon, we will proceed to the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, where you will have the opportunity to engage in evening birdwatching before enjoying a satisfying dinner.

  • Main Destination: Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary
  • Accommodation: 
  • Meals: Lunch & Dinner

Day 3: Transfer to Murchison Falls National Park

Following an early morning meal, you will embark on an hour-long rhino-tracking expedition on foot. As we make our way to Murchison Falls National Park, there will be a lunch break during which you might have the opportunity to spot Nahan’s francolin, Cassin’s spinetail, and the chestnut-capped flycatcher. The forested areas pose an exciting challenge with various greenbul species, including the spotted, Xavier’s, white-throated, and honeyguide greenbuls. You can observe species such as the yellow-mantled weaver, rufous thrush, and Uganda woodland warbler within the canopy flocks.

As we traverse through the Budongo Forest Reserve, the undergrowth teems with hidden gems like the scaly-breasted, brown, and pale-breasted illadopses, fire-crested Alethe, blue-shouldered robin chat, rufous flycatcher, thrush, and grey-throated tit-flycatcher. Continuing our journey, we will be captivated by the magnificent Murchison Falls, where the world’s longest river forcefully surges through a narrow opening in the Rift Valley escarpment, cascading into a frothing pool 43 meters below. You will have the opportunity to marvel at the falls and then proceed to check in at your hotel, relishing the stunning surroundings.

    • Main Destination: 
    • Accommodation: 
    • Meals: Lunch & Dinner

Day 4: Boat cruise & evening game drive

After breakfast, we have a launch cruise where you have chances to view huge Nile Crocodiles, big pods of hippos, and other wildlife. You will also see a wide variety of waterbirds, like the shoebill, secretary bird, Abyssinian roller and ground hornbill, and pied kingfisher, and also view the magnificent falls from the bottom.

On the evening game drive in the national park, you will have chances to view hartebeest, lions, buffalo, primates, mongooses, giraffes, and elephants.

  • Main Destination: Murchison Falls National Park
  • Accommodation: 
  • Meals: Lunch & Dinner

Day 5: Transfer to Kibale National Park

With a heavy breakfast, we will embark on a morning game drive en route to Kibale Forest. Kibale Forest National Park is renowned as the premier safari destination for chimpanzee tracking in East Africa. It encompasses a stunning and diverse expanse of tropical forests, considered one of the most beautiful in Uganda. You will find a remarkable array of 13 primate species within its borders, including the iconic chimpanzee. Additionally, Kibale Forest is home to the rare L’Hoest’s monkey and boasts East Africa’s largest population of the endangered red colobus monkey.

The park’s rich biodiversity extends to its avian residents, with an impressive 325 bird species recorded, including six that are endemic to the Albertine Rift region. Noteworthy among these are the black-capped apalis, blue-headed sunbird, collared apalis, dusky crimsonwing, purple-breasted sunbird, and red-faced woodland warbler. If you’re fortunate, you may also have the opportunity to spot the African pitta, green-breasted pitta, black bee-eater, yellow-spotted nicator, yellow-rumped tinkerbird, little greenbul, black-eared ground thrush, brown-chested alethe, blue-breasted kingfisher, Abyssinian ground thrush, and the crowned eagle.

Day 6: Chimpanzee tracking and afternoon bird watching

Following an early morning meal, we will proceed to the visitor centre of Kibale National Park, where a briefing will be provided before the chimpanzee trekking activity. The duration of the trek can vary based on the whereabouts of the chimpanzees within the park. Once we locate them, you will have the opportunity to spend approximately one hour observing and interacting with these fascinating primates.

In the late afternoon, it would be advantageous to engage in birdwatching along the main road, which can yield fruitful sightings of various bird species.

  • Main Destination: Kibale National Park
  • Accommodation: 
  • Meals: Lunch & Dinner

Day 7: Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park

After enjoying breakfast, you will proceed to engage in birdwatching activities at the Bigodi Wetland, renowned for its diverse collection of riverine forest birds. Kibale National Park serves as an excellent location to spot several bird species that are challenging to find elsewhere. Some notable examples include the speckle-breasted woodpecker, Cabanis’s greenbul, joyful greenbul, white-spotted flufftail, dusky and olive long-tailed cuckoo, lesser honey guide, blue-shouldered robin chat, white-chinned prinia, grey Apalis, olive-green camaroptera, and white-collared olive back.

In the afternoon, we will proceed to Queen Elizabeth National Park, where you will have the opportunity to enjoy birdwatching during the evening hours around the vicinity of Lake Munyanyange Lodge.

  • Main Destination: Queen Elizabeth National Park
  • Accommodation: 
  • Meals: Lunch & Dinner

Day 8: Birding Lake Munyanyange & a trip to Kazinga Channel

You will embark on a birdwatching excursion at Lake Munyanyange in Uganda. This lake is renowned for its abundant and diverse waterbird population, including the iconic flamingos. It holds great significance as the second-most important location for these majestic birds globally, following the Great Rift Valley of East Africa. Besides the flamingos, the lake is also home to a variety of other wildlife, offering a rich and rewarding birding experience.

In the afternoon, you will have the opportunity to enjoy a boat ride on the Kazinga Channel. This natural waterway stretches approximately 20 miles, connecting two freshwater lakes: Lake George to the east and Lake Edward to the west. The shores of the channel encompass diverse habitats, creating a haven for various bird species. During the boat ride, you may have the chance to spot birds such as greenshank, common-ringed plover, ruff, black-tailed godwit, grey (black-bellied) plover, lesser black-backed gull, grey-hooded gull, malachite kingfisher, pink-backed pelican, marabou storks, saddle-billed stork, great and little egret, and white-bellied cormorant. Additionally, this area is known to harbour the world’s largest population of hippos, adding to the wildlife spectacle. After the boat ride, you will check in at the hotel and enjoy a delicious dinner.

  • Main Destination: 
  • Accommodation: 
  • Meals: Lunch & Dinner

Day 9: Morning game drive & Ishasha sector

Following breakfast, we will embark on a morning game drive within Queen Elizabeth National Park. This park is renowned for its exceptional biodiversity and holds the highest ratings in terms of wildlife variety among all game reserves worldwide. Its diverse landscapes encompass open savannah, lush rainforests, dense papyrus swamps, captivating crater lakes, and the expansive Lake Edward. With nearly 100 mammal species and an impressive count of 612 bird species, Queen Elizabeth National Park offers an extraordinary safari experience. Visitors can expect to encounter magnificent elephants, a profusion of hippos, the elusive giant forest hogs, and the elegant Uganda kobs, which are regularly spotted around the tourist village situated on the Mweya Peninsula. The village itself boasts a picturesque waterfront setting nestled in the shadow of the Rwenzori Mountains.

During the afternoon, you will have the opportunity to enjoy birdwatching activities as we make our way to Ishasha. This area is renowned for its chances to catch a glimpse of the famous tree-climbing lions, adding an extra element of excitement to the experience.

  • Main Destination: 
  • Accommodation: 
  • Meals: Lunch & Dinner

Day 10: Morning game drive & transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

In the morning, we will embark on a game drive with the objective of spotting both lions and birds. During this excursion, there is a chance to encounter various savannah bird species, including the impressive lappet-faced vulture, which holds the title of the top vulture in the region, and the spirited Marshal eagle, considered Africa’s most spirited eagle. Additionally, there will be opportunities to observe larks and other avian species.

You can also keep an eye out for some rare bird sightings, such as the dusky blue flycatcher along River Ishasha, the Terek sandpiper, the grey plover, and the elusive blue quail. Other notable bird species that you might come across include the African thrush, which is related to the European blackbird, the white-browed robin chat, the common bulbul, the greater honeyguide, and the trilling cisticola. Keep a lookout for the white-browed coucal as well, a medium-sized bird often perched atop bushes, basking in the sun. Additionally, you may witness the fascinating sight of bats in flight, heading towards fig trees and hunting insects. Later on, we will transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, our next destination.

  • Main Destination: 
  • Accommodation: 
  • Meals: Lunch & Dinner

Day 11: Gorilla tracking & guided nature walk

After enjoying breakfast, we will gather at the park offices for a briefing before embarking on the remarkable gorilla-tracking experience. This encounter with the gorillas is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that should not be missed. Each encounter with these majestic creatures is unique and offers its own rewards. You can expect to witness the close view of adult gorillas engaging in activities such as feeding, grooming, and resting, while the playful youngsters frolic and swing from vines, providing a delightful and entertaining display.

In the afternoon, we will engage in forest birding activities within Bwindi, which is renowned for offering some of the best birdwatching opportunities in Uganda. The area is home to a variety of special bird species, including the black-faced rufous warbler, Grauer’s warbler, banded prinia, black-throated Apalis, mountain-masked Apalis, red-throated lathe, Chapin’s flycatcher, chin spot basis, Rwenzori batis, yellow-crowned canary, thick-billed seed-eater, streaky seedeater, African green broadbill, Shelly’s Crimsonwing, white-bellied robin chat, olive thrush, white-tailed ant thrush, Grauer’s rush warbler, short-tailed warbler, Neumann’s warbler, and red-faced woodland warbler. These bird species add to the diverse and vibrant ecosystem of Bwindi’s forested surroundings.

  • Main Destination: 
  • Accommodation: 
  • Meals: Lunch & Dinner

Day 12: Transfer to Lake Bunyonyi

We will embark on a village walk in the Buhoma Community. During this walk, we will have the opportunity to visit the Batwa people and gain insight into their way of life. The Batwa were provided with land when they were relocated from the forest, and most of their basic needs are taken care of. The funds they receive from the village walk are utilized for purchasing clothes and food. Additionally, they use the proceeds from the sale of crafts for recreational activities, reading materials, and purchasing alcohol. You will also have the chance to observe their process of juice making.

During the village walk, we will also visit a traditional healer who employs tree bark, leaves, and various animal materials to treat ailments. The healer dresses in goat and cow skin, preserving the traditional attire of healers.

Furthermore, the village walk will take us through tea plantations and introduce us to ten sites that showcase the way of life of the Buhoma community.

In the afternoon, we will proceed to Lake Bunyonyi, engaging in birdwatching activities.

  • Main Destination: Lake Bunyonyi
  • Accommodation: 
  • Meals: Lunch & Dinner

Day 13: Boat ride and afternoon bird watching

Following breakfast, you will embark on a boat ride on Lake Bunyonyi, which is recognized as one of the deepest lakes in Africa. During this excursion, there will be opportunities to observe a diverse array of bird species, such as the majestic grey-crowned crane, the African harrier hawk, the elegant egret, and the vibrant cardinal woodpecker. The scenic beauty of Lake Bunyonyi is enhanced by the surrounding lush, green-terraced hills, which reach heights ranging from 2,200 to 2,478 meters. The lake is further adorned by 29 enchanting islands of various shapes and sizes, including notable ones like Punishment Island, Bwana, and Kahungye. These islands add a touch of magic to the scenery, and one could easily spend the entire day admiring their splendour.

In the afternoon, you will have the opportunity to continue birdwatching activities around Lake Bunyonyi, further exploring the rich avian diversity of the area.

  • Main Destination: 
  • Accommodation: 
  • Meals: Lunch & Dinner

Day 14: Transfer to Lake Mburo & evening boat ride

Following breakfast, we will proceed to Lake Mburo National Park, which holds a unique distinction in Uganda. It is the sole park in the country that is home to impalas and the only one within the Rift region that harbours Burchell’s zebra and eland. Alongside these remarkable species, the park also shelters a range of other wildlife, including warthogs, buffalos, oribis, defassa waterbucks, and reedbucks. Predators such as leopards and hyenas can be encountered, while hippos and crocodiles inhabit the lake.

During our journey to Lake Mburo, we can anticipate encountering a variety of notable bird species. Some of the prominent avian inhabitants in the area comprise the crested francolin, emerald-spotted wood dove, brown parrot, bare-faced go-away bird, blue-napped mousebird, lilac-breasted roller, green wood hoopoe, everyday scimitar bill, African grey hornbill, spot-flanked barbet, Nubian woodpecker, trilling cisticola, yellow-breasted apalis, Northern black tit, chin-spot batis, superb Blue-eared starling, and Marico sunbird. In the evening, we will embark on a boat cruise, providing an opportunity to admire the enchanting sunset over the lake.

  • Main Destination: Lake Mburo National Park
  • Accommodation: 
  • Meals: Lunch & Dinner

Day 15: Morning game drive & bird watching 

Following breakfast, we will embark on a thrilling game drive within Lake Mburo National Park. Notably, this park stands alone among Uganda’s protected areas in being home to the impressive impala species, and it holds the distinction of hosting Burchell’s zebra and eland within the Rift region. Additionally, Lake Mburo and Queen Elizabeth National Parks are the exclusive habitats for topi in Uganda. During our game drive, we can expect to encounter a variety of wildlife, including warthogs, buffalos, oribis, defassa waterbucks, and reedbucks. The presence of leopards and hyenas adds an exciting dimension to the park’s predator population, while hippos and crocodiles inhabit the lake itself.

  • Main Destination:  Lake Mburo National Park
  • Accommodation: 
  • Meals: Lunch & Dinner

Day 16: Transfer back to Kampala or Entebbe International Airport for departure.

Following an early breakfast, we will embark on a morning game drive before transferring to Entebbe for your departure.

  • Meals: Lunch